Sunday, January 31, 2010


To the Greater Glory of God

There are certain phrases that run throughout the Jesuit literature and these phrases capture and express the deepest values of ignatius and his company of friends.

One of the most important is repeated in many of the 6000 letters he wrote. In the Latin it is:

ad majorem Dei gloriam

which means:

to the greater glory of God.


The abbreviation is A.M.D.G. and it appears on many Jesuit institutions, both colleges and churches.

It is difficult to communicate how core this defining idea was for Ignatius. He dedicated his life to the greater glory of God.

He used the Spiritual Exercises to help "exercitants" make choices that would help them work and serve in a way for the greater glory of God.

This was his passion and his mission. This was one way Ignatius' love for God was manifest. He who had received everything from God, his Creator and Savior and Lord, would do anything for the greater glory of that God.

This is just one of the many reasons I am drawn to Ignatius and his way. On my best days I too long for the greater glory of God and I am willing to dream, dare and do much for God's greater glory. On y worst days, I fall back into selfish pursuits of my own glory.

AMDG01And so my regular practice is to daily ask God to strengthen my desire for his greater glory.

The Jesuits are always seeking "mas," magis," "more" because of their desire for the greater glory of God.

Brian K. Rice

Leadership ConneXtions International

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